A Superb Marketing Sourcebook

Get Your Book Seen and Sold : The Essential Book Marketing and Publishing Guide is comprehensive, concise, and concentrated on its essential purpose, as seen in its title. Its first section investigates and defines the various types of publishing one may choose today. These span from transitional, to self-publishing, to print-on-demand. The section also covers such matters as pitching to agents, book distribution, and why an author should care about distribution even if traditionally published.

The second section, on marketing and promoting, was for me the most valuable section of the book. Many authors lack a marketing plan prior to their publication. Wolk and Murkette offer a useful overview of book marketing and get down to the nitty-gritty details. They help the author to define the essential element of their book in one concise sentence. This becomes the foundational element, the “elevator pitch,” on which the author can build their publicity and marketing efforts.

The second section also helps the author to identify their audience and develop all the essential marketing tools, including media kits, press releases, and book “sell sheets.” The author can also proceed to identifying and approaching appropriate book reviewers. In short, this book offers everything needed for effective marketing.

If I were given to regrets, I’d say I wish this book had been my major marketing sourcebook fifteen years ago. But things have changed since then. Wolk and Market have kept their investigations of publication trends and marketing up to date. Purchase this practical volume today to aid you in marketing your own works.


Reviewed by Carole Mertz on October 5, 2023

By Carole Mertz

I am a graduate of Oberlin College and the author of Color and Line, a full-length collection of ekphrastic and other poetry. (Kelsay Books, 2021). In 2019 Prolific Press published my chapbook Toward a Peeping Sunrise. I am Book Review Editor at Dreamers Creative Writing. My essays, poems, and reviews are published in literary journals in the U.S., U.K., Canada, Africa, and India.

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